Des Astuces pour Etre un Utilisateur 5 Étoiles

À Montréal, nous connaissons une croissance constante et vous êtes de plus en plus nombreux à compter sur Uber pour vous déplacer. Voici quelques astuces pour vous permettre de vous déplacer comme un vrai expert à travers la ville grâce à Uber.

Some Pro Tips for Uber Riders In Montreal

In Montreal, more people than ever are using Uber to get where they need to go. Check out the Uber Pro Tips below to learn how to move around the city like an expert and ensure your rider experience is 5 stars from start to finish.

In the Driver’s Seat: Thanking Uber Partners in Etobicoke

Uber has come a long way in Etobicoke since the launch of uberX in the GTA over a year ago. Starting with only a small group of driver partners, there are now more than 400 that call Etobicoke home and we’re thrilled to see that number continue to grow.

Bring Uber to Your Next Event

We love to be part of the action in Canada. From galas, to festivals, to business meetings to parties, we’re always looking to offer discounted rides to events and add a touch of magic to your special gathering. If you’re planning aan event where guests will indulge in a beverage or two, your venue is in […]

We’re Giving Away A Car to One Lucky Driver-Partner!

Uber driver-partners refer their friends and family to join the Uber platform every day. To show our thanks to our passionate advocates, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ll be giving away a brand new 2016 Chevrolet Cruze at the end of October 2015!