uberX nay đã tiết kiệm thêm 15%!

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh | Tiếng Việt

Uber connects you with trips that are incredibly affordable. And, we will always be the most affordable option in town!

When energy price has been dropping over time, we understand that our Uber riders are expecting a consequent drop in our service price as well. That’s why uberX price has been adjusted accordingly with a 15% cut. Now, with Uber, you can enjoy transportation cost of 40% lower.




This price change is temporary and would be further adjusted later. However, with many more people to ride, we’d love to maintain this price for an extended period. So don’t hesitate requesting an Uber now!

Adjusted price will be affected effective since 9am Wed, 02 Mar, 2016, for all Uber products in Ho Chi Minh City as follow:

price comparison en


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