
We’re offering a feature so you can easily request a ride for your loved ones right from your Uber app. Now, no matter where your loved ones need to be – and where you are located – a safe, reliable ride is just a few taps away.

Uber, Driving Indonesia Forward in 30 cities across 7 islands

When we introduced ridesharing to Indonesia in 2014, no one could have imagined the impact it would have. Fast forward to today, we are pleased to say that Uber is now available in 30 cities across 7 islands: Java (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Cimahi, Cirebon, Surakarta, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Malang, Batu, […]

180 Days of Change

A few moments ago, we sent this email to all drivers and delivery partners in the US. For the next 180 days (and beyond), we’ll be making meaningful changes to the driving experience. Some changes will be big, some will be smallーall will be changes drivers have asked for. Why now? Because it’s the right […]

180 Days of Change

For the next 180 days (and beyond), we’ll be making meaningful changes to the driving experience. Some changes will be big, some will be smallーall will be changes drivers have asked for.

Statement on Covington & Burling Recommendations

“This morning, employees were presented the recommendations from Covington & Burling that were unanimously approved by the Board on Sunday. Implementing these recommendations will improve our culture, promote fairness and accountability, and establish processes and systems to ensure the mistakes of the past will not be repeated. While change does not happen overnight, we’re committed […]

Uber lança ação de combate à homofobia

Uber lança ação para conscientização e combate à homofobia. A ideia é criar um ambiente cada vez mais seguro e inclusivo para o público LGBTI nas viagens feitas pela plataforma Uber. Juntamente, anunciamos as atrações musicais do Trio Uber na Parada do Orgulho de São Paulo.

Give Dad a Gift He’ll Savor

Dads. They’re pretty simple. They love to yell at us about turning off lights we’re not using or fix things with duct tape. They’ve been the same for generations, which is great, because we know we can count on dad. But should dad’s predictability make our Father’s Day gift-giving predictable too? We think not. We’re […]

Frances Frei Joins Uber

We’re excited to announce that Harvard Business School professor Frances Frei is joining Uber as SVP Leadership & Strategy, reporting to our CEO Travis Kalanick. Frances will act as a partner to our Chief Human Resources Officer Liane Hornsey, and to the executive leadership team at large, in some critical areas including: company strategy and […]

American Leadership on Climate is Vital

Last year 195 nations signed an agreement that has the potential to change the world’s direction on climate change. As part of the historic Paris Accord, these countries banded together to support serious climate action and commit to keeping global temperatures from rising more than two degrees celsius. Today’s announcement from President Trump that the […]

Mais uma vez, Justiça do Trabalho decide que motorista parceiro da Uber é autônomo

Nesta quarta-feira, 31, o Juiz da 12ª Vara do Trabalho de Belo Horizonte, Marcos Vinicius Barroso, decidiu que não existem os requisitos necessários para vínculo de emprego entre a Uber e o ex-motorista parceiro Charles Figueiredo – que ainda foi condenado por litigância de má-fé, uma vez que fatos importantes foram omitidos em sua própria confissão. A multa aplicada como pena para isso foi de R$ 1000,00, que corresponde a 1% sobre o valor que foi pedido. Além disso, o juiz decidiu que ele deverá indenizar a Uber pelas despesas que teve com o processo, ou seja, custos como os advogados que a empresa teve que contratar.