
Don’t Get Left in the Dust Preakness Weekend

You don’t have to be a jockey to have the ride of your life this weekend. Demand will be high, but we’ve got the best #ProTips to help you break free from the pack, for the fastest and smoothest pickups after the race. BREAK FREE FROM THE PACK WITH UBER SPREAD THE WORD SHARE TWEET […]

You Deserve A Study Break

It’s that time of year. With finals in full swing, we know stress levels are at an all-time high. That’s why we’ve teamed up with some of our favorite brands to bring you on-demand Study Break care packages—for free! See how you can get yours delivered straight to your desk.

Take Back Your Lunch

uberX rates just got cheaper. That means more rides for you. So whether sushi is your secret obsession or you’re just craving a hamburger, upgrade this Hump Day to a culinary quest with our 15% lower fares.