
The Weekender: Halloween Treats!

Halloween weekend has fin’ly arrived,
these weekend events are sure to surprise.

They’re #UberApproved, as you can see,
we’ve got you covered point A to point B.

Some costumes you see might give you a fright!
But Uber will be there all day and all night.

The Weekender

Peter Piper plans to picked a peck of pumpkins… and other Fall goodies this weekend! Halloween is fast approaching and we’ve got a list of #UberApproved pumpkins patches, carving contests, and hay mazes for you to check out this weekend.

The Weekender

After a rainy workweek, it’s time to spend some time enjoying the great outdoors! We’ve got a list of #UberApproved events to get you out of the house and exploring the area!

Discounted Rides for the Military Community

We recognize that there is a demonstrated need for more reliable transportation options to and from military bases and are committed to ensuring that members of the military community have access to the safest ride in town.

In announcing the launch of UberMILITARY, we’re celebrating our commitment by giving away significantly-discounted rides from military bases in participating Uber cities.

Baltimore, your uberXL is arriving now!

Something BIG just rolled into Charm City!

Tell the PSC that Maryland Needs Uber

We need your help! The Maryland Public Service Commission is about to make a decision that could threaten the Uber you know and love, and we have one shot to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Italian Liberation Day!

Enter the code LIBERATION to unlock 25% off your Ubers plus special promotions at participating restaurants to celebrate Italian Liberation Day!

Your Favorite Five Star Ride!

Since we asked you to share your #FiveStarRide stories with us a week ago for the chance to win a FREE month of Uber, riders responded with some seriously moving (and fun!) stories of drivers who made their day. Now it’s time to vote!

Baltimore, Share your #FiveStarRide!

Share the story of your #FiveStarRide with @Uber_Baltimore for a chance to win a month of free Uber!

Enter the code HEARTMONTH in your Uber app and we’ll donate $1 per ride to the American Heart Association through the month of February!