
UberEATS est maintenant à Montréal!

UberEATS arrive maintenant à Montréal, ville célèbre pour sa culture gastronomique.

Grâce à l’application UberEATS, vous pouvez désormais commander en quelques clics votre déjeuner dîner ou souper, livré à la vitesse Uber.

UberEATS is now in Montreal!

UberEATS is arriving now in Montreal, a city known for its vibrant and diverse food culture.

Starting today, you can open the UberEATS app or head to UberEATS.com, order food from a great restaurant, and have it delivered, fast.

Scarborough and Brampton, meet uberPOOL

Starting today, uberPOOL will also be available in Brampton and Scarborough. uberPOOL will give residents the option to share their journey with another rider heading in the same direction at the same time. This will mean more people in fewer cars, cheaper rides for passengers, and less time between trips for drivers.

Little Changes that We Hope Go a Long Way

As we’ve gotten bigger, many driver-partners have expressed concern that some of our support policies are stacked against them and seem to put riders’ interests above theirs. We’ve heard that more balance is needed when it comes to holding all who use Uber, including riders, accountable.

Statement from Uber Canada on the 2017 Federal Budget

Uber Canada’s statement on the new proposed taxes for ridesharing in the Federal budget tabled in Ottawa on March 23, 2017.

Raul, véritable héros de la tempête de neige!

Ce sont près de 40 cm de neige qui sont tombés sur Montréal lors de la méga tempête de mardi et mercredi dernier. Malgré le blizzard et les routes quasi-impraticables, des centaines de partenaires-chauffeurs Uber ont pris le volant pour permettre aux Montréalais et touristes de rentrer sains et saufs à la maison. C’est le cas de Raul, qui a passé 8 heures à bord de son véhicule aux côtés de sa passagère Kate – une aventure qui s’est avérée extraordinaire et inoubliable!

Raul, our true snowstorm hero!

Nearly 40 cm of snow fell on Montreal during the mega storm this past Tuesday and Wednesday. Despite the blizzard and the almost impassable roads, hundreds of Uber driver-partners got behind the wheel to drive Montrealers home safely. This was the case for Raul, who spent 8 hours in his vehicle with Kate – truly an extraordinary and unforgettable adventure!

Déjà 2 ans à Québec!

Que de chemin parcouru depuis février 2015! Merci Québec pour ces deux belles années et celles à venir.

Calgary, your uberXL is arriving now!

Something BIG is coming to Calgary. We’re pumped to announce the arrival of uberXL, a high-capacity vehicle option!

Hamilton’s Business Community Supports Uber

Dear Hamilton City Council, Transportation in all forms is integral to a thriving City and downtown core. Hamilton’s economy thrives when people and goods move efficiently and affordably between destinations. Roads and parking, public transit, walkable neighbourhoods, cycling and taxis are all important services supporting moveable cities in economic growth. Equally important is the expanding […]